Our management services comprise provisioning, configuration and tuning of the platforms backing our customer´s information systems . We also manage the day-to-day administration regarding:
- IT management and administration
- Implementing highly available solutions
- High performance and service load balancing
- Monitoring services
- Tuning services
- Security services
- Backup services
- Communication channels management
- Requirements management and help desk (includes SLA management)
- Data base administration services (Informix, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL)
These tasks are guaranteed by the adoption of best practices such as Standard Operating Environment (SOE).
We provide a single point of contact for customers´ requests related to hosting services, here service tickets are assigned to a SLA-Backed customer catalog.
As of backup services, we have backup policies, in order to ensure continuity and reliability of the services provided by Data Tools S.A. to our customers, information assets are safeguarded in physical storage media, so it is possible to restore them when needed.