Solutions and architecture should be rethinked in order to deliver to the new functional demands, both in terms of capacity and security. From a functional point of view, recent years shows us that IT departments have incorporated new services in various technologies in response to business requirements.
These new services have magnified significantly the users´ universe, including more internal users, external users (via web), users from other entities via WEB SERVICES, etc.
In the other hand, security threats from technological environments have evolved in diversity and frequency. Given the delicate nature of the information assets managed, IT architecture should incorporate control elements in order to allow protection of the integrity, confidentiality and availability of these assets.
As a proper, effective and efficient answer to these considerations, cloud architecture solutions have been proposed.
The main design criteria in our Cloud Architecture is to guarantee HIGH AVAILABILITY of the service, besides HIGH PERFORMANCE. From the service perspective we transmit value -added in terms of functionality and warranty, backed by the constantly evolving cloud computing technology.
The proposed model integrates services in a hybrid cloud, composed by a private cloud from our data center, and third-party clouds (public and private ones) when operation conditions demands it.
More importantly, this architecture overcomes the limitations in availability, associated to run an IT operation based on a single site (usually on-premises). This new architecture becomes the foundation stone allowing to support a continuity business model.